Everything I Know About Politics

Most readers will agree that politics is about power. It’s about interpersonal power in social settings. It’s about group influence over governance. Decision-making. Organizing. Motivating followers. Some people are good at the personal side of this – the art of politics. Others expend great effort to understand the dynamics of politics – the ideologies andContinue reading “Everything I Know About Politics”

Where Have All the Anarchists Gone?

understanding political philosophy — like anarchism or socialism — requires a quick dip into its intellectual history — anarchism’s Big Three thinkers were Proudhon, Bakunin, Kropotkin (in that order!)

Class Struggle Doesn’t Go Away, It Just Evolves

The world has changed much since Marx and Engels published their Communist Manifesto in 1848 — but it doesn’t mean they were wrong!

Is the Age of Neoliberalism Finally Over?

Neoliberalism has become an epithet in economic circles lately, but what replaces it? It’s time to move on beyond the politically charged labels we hear in election campaigns …


Utopian literature started with the Garden of Eden — it has been with us ever since! Yet, somehow, the 20th century seemed more hospitable to dystopias. What happened? Let’s get back to something more hopeful!

The New Geopolitics: Class, Capital, Nationalism

Ever since the first nation-states, there has been geopolitics, today competition between “great powers” is complicated by the multinational aspects of capital, confronting new nationalism.

Class Struggle in America: Done or Never Started?

As we know, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were not Americans. They were very European. While true that the bulk of America’s population (except slaves) came from Europe, our country was different. Flight from the class-centered societies of England, Germany, France was easier for American immigrants than staying in their home countries and fighting. ThatContinue reading “Class Struggle in America: Done or Never Started?”